Taking some time initially and before each of your sessions to carefully setup the area you will working from and your tools can help to greatly reduce the tech problems you might encounter while conducting a synchronous session.
Setting up Your Space & Computer
Be sure your lighting is coming from the front so your face is well lit. You also should not have a bright source of light behind you (like a window.)
Choose an uncluttered background, preferably 3-4 feet behind you. If there are books or decorations, be sure they are appropriate and not distracting. You can also use a virtual background in many video conferencing tools, but this can have varying results if you are trying to use realia.
Internet Connection
Set up your video conferencing space as close to your router as possible (for wifi), ideally connecting directly with an ethernet cable. Also, having adequate bandwidth is important. For more information see the ATUS Help Document on this subject.
Update Video Conferencing Software
It is a good practice to be sure that all your users (host, co-host, all participants) have updated their software, for example the Zoom desktop client. This is important because if a student has an older version of the Zoom client, their abilities and therefore your abilities, will be hampered. Here is how to do that with Zoom:
1. Open your Zoom app on your desktop (not the web browser). You will see something that looks like this:
2. Click on your profile pic icon (this may just be your initials) in the top right corner of your Zoom app.
3. You should see a dropdown menu. On the menu, choose “Check for updates.”
NOTE: You cannot update your Zoom desktop client while you are in a Zoom meeting! If you try, you will be forced to leave the meeting.
Before Each Class or Session
- If you have been working on your computer for several hours, it is a good idea to restart it to clear out the cache and free up all resources for your session.
- Check your headset/microphone. If wireless, is it charged? How is your volume for your speakers and microphone?
- Have your materials open but close other tabs and programs.
- Sign in to any tools you will use with your WWU credentials if applicable.
Image Source
Photo by Sam Moqadam on Unsplash