Adding a welcome video to your online course helps introduce your students to you as the instructor, but also as a person. This video can be the first step in creating a Community of Inquiry and will serve as one of the first online course experiences students have in your course.
Consider how you want to present yourself, your course, and your content when adding this element. It is not necessary to have this video be perfect or even of the highest quality. It is more important that your personality, excitement, and supportive nature be present when you are on camera.
An introduction video should be brief (usually 5 minutes or less). You might consider including some of the following details:
- Introduce yourself (and be yourself!)
- Tell students why you are excited to teach this course
- Describe what they will get out of the course
- Include information about how to get in contact with you
- Use a more casual tone as this is not a formal presentation
There are multiple ways to record a message like this to share in your online course. It is best to first consult with your instructional design and technology personnel to determine what platform or tool will best fit your needs.
Existing recording tools for WWU include: