Welcome to our inclusive and representative informational website designed to support Students, Staff, and Faculty in our daily lives.  This website was created as an action item from the voluntary open-house meeting of the college students, faculty, and staff (and their allies) that started to address the fallout from the divisive presidential campaign, post-election events, and the stress and concerns that members of our community feel.

The website is NOT about being pro or against any political party or individual.  It is not taking any partisan side.  The website has been created to face the rise of fascism, about the fact that it has a path to political legitimacy, and to stand united for the rights of all individuals and for the values of freedom, equality, and justice for everyone.

Information about the meeting:

The meeting was held on Thursday November 17th on Western Washington University’s campus.  The purpose of the meeting was:

  • to show solidarity and support for all members of society
  • to strengthen our sense of community and belonging
  • to tap into our pool of ideas, common power, and wealth of energy
  • a call for action to protect human rights and values for this and future generations
  • to come up with immediate actions as well as long-term strategies to support these goals

Notes from this meeting can be found here

The people of Huxley and Western stand united against all forms of discrimination, exclusion, and prejudice.  Join us.

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