The 2024 legislative session began on January 8th, this 60-day session is scheduled to run through March 7th. In the last week, Western has weighed in on the Governor’s proposed operating and capital budget in both the House and Senate, as well as several policy bills.
We are closely tracking higher education policy bills that are up for consideration, bills of note cover various topics including financial aid, increased student support services, and access to higher education.
Higher Education Policy Bills:
Senate Bill 5999 – Expanding financial aid eligibility
- Adjusts the median family income (MFI) calculation to increase Washington College Grant award amounts.
Senate Bill 5904 – Extending the terms of eligibility for financial aid programs
- Aligns Washington College Grant eligibility with federal PELL grant eligibility.
House Bill 2214 – Automatic qualification for the Washington College Grant
- Works toward allowing automatic qualification for the Washington College Grant for beneficiaries of other public assistance programs.
House Bill 2112 – Concerning opioid and fentanyl education
- Directs resources and training to higher education campuses.
House Bill 2242 – Supporting sexual assault survivors
- Increases support services available on higher education campuses.
House Bill 2077 – Concerning participation in the Washington guaranteed admissions program
- Codifies the existence of the Washington Guaranteed Admission program which automatically admits Washington high school students to institutions of higher education.
House Bill 1950 – Concerning the public service loan forgiveness program
- Directs public employers to notify employees about certification renewals and to certify employment through the public service loan forgiveness program at the time of separation.
Other updates:
Regents and Trustees from two-year and four-year public higher education institutions will gather in Olympia this week to raise awareness on higher education issues.
The first policy cutoff will take place on January 31st, bills will need to be voted out of their policy committee in order to remain active this session.