About Us
Who are we and what do we believe? Click here to find out! Mission, Sharon Statement, Meetings, meet our Executive Board!

We are dedicated to hosting conservative speakers on campus. Come visit us in Red Square during our info tables to learn more and hear how you can be involved. Click to see current and upcoming events.

We are currenlty hosting virtual meetings every Wednesday at 8 P.M. PST. Email yafwestern@gmail.com for Zoom ID and password.
Book Club
Sunday’s at 8 PM WWU YAF hosts virtual book club. We are currently reading Russell Kirk’s Concise Guide to conservatism. Email yafwestern@gmail.com for Zoom ID and password.
Young Americans for Freedom hosts conferences for conservative activists all over the United States. Hear from prominent conservative speakers and network with other students and chapters from around the country. Click here see all events and to register.
Virtual Activism Training
Headquarters is hosting weekly virtual activism training sessions. A new topic each week. Click here for the full schedule and to register.