THTR First Draft

This is the most critical Star Wars in Star Wars Series in the seven film, the key points of the plot are the force sensitive family – skywalker. The Skywalker family in love and hate expansion. The galaxy is affected by choice of the family. The acclaimed animated series “the Clone Wars,” the core role of Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Asoka Tano, Kenobi three Jedi group. However, Anakin was a Jedi; he is not only a Jedi, but he is also the prophecy of the chosen one, is to bring balance to the force of the people. But he’s not the Messiah. In his personality driven to their fate and the fate of the tease: he became a cruel and evil Darth Vinda. In the face of such power, no one dares to resist. The film will be the Empire of darkness, to the extreme.

However, at this moment, a man is standing out to the imperial war. They have no Jedi, but they have to face a super old Jedi Knight. They not only have to face this extreme terror but also to the army and the Milky Way system brings vitality. Did not think of is, “a” team first encountered, was the constraints. This is a “rogue” second innovative places: Portrait of a Rebel compound, also makes them right to life. This is the 4-6 of the rebel seven shaping, and the resistance of mold have not done. In a “number,” we see a very complicated rebel. First of all, one by Alfonso Grella led the guerrillas to the outside, the extreme and attacked the Imperial forces, often with collateral damage. This gives us an insight into the ranks of the Imperial rebels. “A number” is a fictional story, but “a” squad members and many rebel soldiers of the faith and sacrifice is particularly true. We ordinary people from one point of view to re-examining the Death Star and the Star Destroyer-Darth Vinda, ordinary people can feel like ants in front of them, but it is because cannot withstand a single blow; hatred and death are ants, the first step that the mighty empire and Das Studio, the emperor towards destruction.

The “Star Wars” without even a great hero-villain. These heroes and villains are supporting the “Star Wars” in the world of fans in decades enduring pillar stretches.

But the real “Star Wars” in the world to plump up, alive, it is the person who can not be smaller, not even their destiny, the protagonist aura can not control the little clone, robots, soldiers, civilians, slaves, pirates, thieves, vagabonds. I see their stories in the “Star Wars” in the works, although these stories in the “Star Wars” in the history of just one moment, left the figure than the Jedi, the Sith Lord, generals, and politicians are harder to erase the mark.



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