1. What did you love this week? What would you have loved to have achieved this week?
    • I loved learning how to use zoom as a tool for our class! Normally our in-person classes are loud and tend to be a little crazy but now that we are able to mute everyone except for those teaching I find this to be a much more efficient learning environment. I really like the breakout rooms because we are forced to talk to people we may not know and its only those in our group so there are fewer distractions.
    • I honestly achieved everything I was hoping to finish this week. I started and nearly finished my website, chatted with both teams that Jake and I are coaching, and have organized all my work in all three of my classes.
  2. Applying the content from this week’s learnings, connect your understanding with something that’s relevant to your venture.
    • I currently don’t have a venture but I am coaching students (which I’ve never done before). Something I learned about coaching is that it’s not the same as consulting. When consulting, you tend to give advice and input. When coaching, it’s important to ask open-ended questions about a topic. If you do this then the students are able to come up with their own ideas and expand upon their own knowledge. When questions arise or advice is wanted the students will ask.
  3. What tools are you applying that you have learned from, or deepened understanding of this week? 
    • I have been learning how to use the Word Press program. It was a HUGE challenge for me when I started using it but after clarification, I have become rather successful. I think this website will be a really useful tool in this class and in my future. I hope to use it after graduating from Western.
  4. What challenges are you facing? What’s Next?
    • I am facing some communication challenges. Online can be strange but students in my age range generally should know how to communicate online, so, I find it very frustrating when groups don’t reply. I know we all have heavy workloads but we are under quarantine which means we all have plenty of time on our hands. I hope that throughout this quarter the communication gap will shrink.


  1. I really connected with your positivity yet apprehensiveness of solely using online tools for learning. It can be very frustrating when people aren’t responding or communicating. However, it is very important to be positive as well and appreciate little things such as break out rooms.

    I love your process of writing responses after the questions is very organized and easy to navigate.

    I love your website and I can tell you worked really hard on it! Online platforms can be a struggle and I think it will take other folks some more time to adjust. Hopefully from here on out groups will be more willing to utilize communication tools more.

    1. Thank you! I am so glad you like my site. I put a lot of effort into it and I hope it will become a good resource in the future. Thank you for the reminder to stay positive even though there are some frustrating parts to this online format, I needed that. I can’t wait to work with you this quarter!!

  2. I’m a bit late to this post, but I really love your website! I’m grateful that we have zoom to have a great class experience still and I’m excited to get to know you this quarter and have you in my quad:)

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