Venture Project One – Winter Quarter 2020
Team: Allie Bowe, Lacoya Reny, Zosia Sherwood, Soleia Weisenburger.

The prompt for this project started out confusing but overtime my team was able to understand and create a fantastic rebrand of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program. This took a lot of ideation (many hours) in order to find a name that we thought was a perfect fit along with a logo and tagline to match!
After ideation, a survey, and multiple pre & post interviews we chose to rename the Entrepreneurship and Innovation program, Aspire. We picked this name because of its definition; to “direct one’s hopes or ambitions toward achieving something”. My team designed the logo as a lightbulb to represent that we will hold onto the old IDEA institute within the previous students and to show that we are growing from the old institute we show flowers growing out of the lightbulb. The tagline we developed was “radical innovation through collaboration”.
Goals: My team really wanted to make sure to include what the institute represented before it was closed because this still means a lot to the past students and the instructors. I personally believe that we should not forget our past but learn from it. We also wanted to make something that was refreshing and that would draw in students from all sorts of majors.