Venture Project Two – Fall Quarter 2019
Team: Adele Houston, Marius Schmitt, Ella Schroth, Zosia Sherwood.

My team developed an app called You Review. We hoped to provide an online platform for college students to have full access to that would provide information for events and places around their new college town. This included reviews of all the information provided on the app. Students and businesses from town could also post events.
This project was a challenge for each team member but in the end, it came together well! I personally learned a lot about group work, leadership, patience, BICs, BMCs, business reports, how to design a 5-minute pitch, and understanding how important competitors are. The main idea about our product is that it’s “by students for students”; meaning that the reviews on the app are from students so you know it is a relevant review for you as another student.
Goals: We really wanted to make a platform that was built for students at WWU. Our beachhead customer being newer students but this can also be used by any student who wants knowledge on local events. We really wanted to bring students together, make sure small events could be found (especially if they are thrown by students – like a band), and create a supportive place for WWU students to go.