1. What did you love this week? What would you have loved to have achieved this week?
    • Something I loved this week was watching everyone pitch! It was a very relaxed day for me because all of my work was done behind the scenes. Everyone did a fantastic job and I’m really proud of all the E&I students for adjusting to the online platform. It has been challenging but, in my opinion, very fun! I wish that I could have met with the teams that Jake and I were coaching at least once more. It was a great time working with them. It’s sad that it has to come to an end.
  2. Applying the content from this week’s learnings, connect your understanding with something that’s relevant to your venture.
    • This week I learned how to interview with the “9 whys” strategy. I think this will be really beneficial for VP2 because our groups are going to need to think OUT OF THE BOX. So, with the application of this interview style, I think we can achieve a deeper understanding of what our target market will be hoping for in an online event
  3. What challenges are you facing? What’s Next?
    • My biggest challenge right now is wrapping my brain around the concept of an online event. I have fears that we won’t be able to make anything successful happen. However, we are a group of really smart and creative people. I’m sure something will spark an idea and everything will fall into place. We will need to do a lot of ideation for this project.


  1. When reading your traction journal I connected with being nervous about the virtual event. I know it will take more determination and motivation however I know you can do it! I have loved working with you so far this quarter and I’m very excited to get to know you better.

    The “9 Whys” were something that stood out to me this week as well. It can be hard to keep the conversation on track and get to the root of the ‘problem’ when interviewing people. Some advice I have is to just keep being curious and treat the person that you are interviewing like your best friend. That way you will feel more comfortable and open.

    1. Thank you! I am super excited to work with you this quarter. I think we will be good friends by the end of this event! At least I hope so. While the event is a little scary, after our meeting yesterday, I think we are going to do a great job! Thank you for the interview advice!

  2. Hey Z!

    Oh man, I am totally on the same wave length as you this quarter!

    It’s so strange to not participate in VP1! Being a coach is way more laid back but also I want to show my work and the time my team put into supporting the VP1 teams! My coaching team still needs to make our grading video! It’s weird being on week three and still having something to turn in relating to VP1! I was really curious to see how zoom pitches would work and I was pleasantly surprised with how smooth the transition was for our class! Everyone did a fantastic job and I was so psyched about the products teams presented! Grading is going to be tricky but I’m glad to see this other side of the projects!

    Oh man… let me tell yeah, before we had our meeting to ideate and choose our E3 event I was not feeling confident about how that was going to go! I didn’t know what people would be interested in! I wasn’t quite sure how we could pull it off! There was so much uncertainty but now I am SO excited to see where we go from here! We actually have our mini team outreach meeting today for our POA and I can’t wait to put together our ideas!

    We’ve totally got this! I swear the days go by so slowly sometimes but the term goes by fast! Before we know it we’re going to be hosting our event and presenting what we learned! I can’t wait! I’m so proud of our team! Everyone has already brought great ideas and energy! The future is big and bright!

    Until next time!

    ~ Tori 🙂

    1. Honestly, some days I can’t even believe we are already E3s! I’m so happy to hear that you feel similar to me this quarter (it makes me feel like I’m not crazy for being overwhelmed). After our team meeting yesterday I realized that we are going to do a great job this quarter. There is a lot of pressure on our outreach team since we are bringing the substance to the event. I still think we will find some great people to get involved!

  3. I’m glad you enjoyed the pitches! And I’m confident your group will have a great online event and still have fun with it! If you have any questions about marketing this event and outreach definitely come to me:)

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