What did you love this week? What would you have loved to have achieved this week?
I loved it when our E3 group met with Seraphima this last week (in class for half an hour). She has so much enthusiasm for our progress and the fact that she thinks we will make an awesome event this quarter makes me feel much more confident! She shared a lot of information with us. The one that stuck with me the most was sending people invitations to our event directly. This will make them feel included and important. I wish that our team would have been able to get more survey results. So far we have 79 but I had a personal goal to get it to 100 at least. I tried to ask our team to send it to at least three people per day but I don’t think that will happen. Hopefully, by the end of this quarter, we get more results.
Applying the content from this week’s learnings, connect your understanding with something that’s relevant to your venture
Something I learned this week was how to write an engaging email directed towards potential speakers for our event. My team (the outreach team) decided it would be a really good idea to create a general outline for what to send to the potential speakers. It includes information about what type of event we want to host, what the basic outline of the event will be, the topics we want to talk about, a link to the website for our event, etc… I think it turned out great and will be helpful in making sure everyone gets the same information.
What tools are you applying that you have learned from, or deepened understanding of this week?
This week I have been applying a lot of group focused conversation tactics to our team meetings. Honestly, it’s not been going great but I think soon enough we will get into a grove. I think this deepened my understanding of group dynamics especially for planning an event. I think having smaller teams for particular topics is important.
What challenges are you facing? What’s Next?
I’m not facing a lot of challenges. Mainly, I need to find people to speak at our event and I am nervous because the speakers are the substance of this event. That’s a lot of pressure. If we don’t find people to participate then the whole event could fail. I think I am just nervous about it right now but in the next few weeks, I think it will all come together.
I feel the same way about Serafima’s workshop and insight. It was amazing to see how much she knows about marketing!
About the survey I totally feel you and I hope we get 100 responses as well. I have been sending it out to my networks.
Some advice I have is that you are awesome, don’t get down on yourself! You are so great to work with and you so much to offer to the team. Connections in teams can be hard at times but as time progresses I think we will become more connected.
I feel the same way about Serafima’s workshop and insight. It was amazing to see how much she knows about marketing!
About the survey I totally feel you and I hope we get 100 responses as well. I have been sending it out to my networks.
Some advice I have is that you are awesome, don’t get down on yourself! You are so great to work with and you so much to offer to the team. Connections in teams can be hard at times but as time progresses I think we will become more connected.