Change Leadership – E4 – AASK for change

E4: Challenge #4—AASK for Change 

Zosia Sherwood 


Previous CL: 



Interview with Healanie: 



  • How would you describe your attitude toward the learning and practice of making change happen through entrepreneurship and innovation?  What are the implications for you? 


      • I think for the most part I’m pretty excited about it. I’m excited to be a changemaker, it makes me really excited. I love connecting with that. So, overall, the learning of it and connecting with passionate people through piggy backing energy is awesome. It can be hard because of all the personalities in the program but I love it and it’s fun. 
      • I don’t want to be told what to do unless I know how what I’m doing is making change and that I’m able to make a good life and have a good impact. I also don’t want to be someone’s “underling”. I want to be in charge of my life. 


  • Where are you currently feeling high levels of ability related to important changemaking skills?  Where are you feeling lower levels of abilities?  What are the implications for you? 


      • I think I am doing really well with facilitative leadership to take control and facilitate groups to make a cool offering. I can also explain and do deep dives for my promise which doesn’t always lead to good interviews but I can get people interested in it. I do hate sales. 
      • I don’t think I’m good at finding the gap. When I’m asked to create a project even if I’m passionate. I have no idea! I have a lot of problems with that and feeling so overwhelmed. I also struggle to connect to markets. The gap just isn’t immediately known to me. 
      • It means that once I’m going I can control the process but the first steps is when I need someone to stay with me and help me. I am not good at that beginning part. 


  • Where do you feel you have a high level of important knowledge related to changemaking through entrepreneurship and innovation?  Where do you have lower levels?  What are the implications to you? 


      • I have a lot of knowledge for the steps and the tools. I love the tool box! It really does organize. I know how to use those and dive deeper with those. I have those things to help me. I can’t always put them together in the most efficient way. Can I use a test card well? Not at all. 
      • Test cards haha. This makes me think “I don’t know what I don’t know”. I think I need more help on keeping an interview going. Especially when we leave my set of questions. How do I keep them interested? How do I get the information that I need and use it and then put it all together? 
      • It means I have to keep learning and I have a ways to go. I can get started and learn to fail. I need to realize that the point of this is to learn from failure. I get stuck in perfectionist mode. That’s not what it’s about and I appreciate that. It’s okay to say this idea had some things I learned and then throw it away. 


  • Where do you feel you can grow this quarter? Is it personal growth or more entrepreneurial business growth? 


      • I think it’s a little bit of both. By personal I mean using my connections and network as something to lean on. They can all be connected to me in different ways. Its been fun to make friends in this class. BUt yeah how do I use those for making a business and an event. Its all becoming connected. Thats what I want! It gets to evolve with you. 


  • What is your true north? How do you hope to achieve it? 


      • Mine is changing. Now its something along the lines of creating space for people to be happy, healthy and whole in the manner that they need at that time. Really diving into do I want to create business connections across the globe? Diving into creating an event for creating community! Anything that is people oriented. I want to help them be positive and move forward with themselves. I think bad situations drive us to be better and do better. 


  • What has been your favorite memory in the minor? Do you have a moment in the minor when you felt you truly met a goal you were passionate about? If not, how could you do this? 


      • My favorite would be when we were with seraphima in a room as E4’s when we were all talking about how we were all kinda dead and couldn’t think. We all shared space and time to say we were exhausted and others were there to ask how they could help. I ‘ve been feeling like these people are my people! I’m so excited to see where we all go! I would really love to have a moment like that in person. 
      • Since my true north has changed I think i’m moving towards what I want but I’m not there. I learned a lot in spring quarter for my true north. I’m growing towards it with every project. 


  • Where do you see yourself after graduation? How will you use the skills we’ve developed to help you?


    • My goal, if the world isnt on fire and dying, is to travel the world and spend time in a small town across the world to experience life in how others live it. I want to build connections and learn about community gaps. How can I connect solutions from one place to a gap in another? Realistically I’ll need to make money first and I have no connections outside of WWU so that’s scary. 

Reflection: I think the interview went really well. I was able to ask her all the questions that were important to me when I reflected on my journey this past year. I enjoyed learning about her past pathways and future pathways. I love Healani, she’s super motivated and I know she will accomplish awesome things. 


Activity #1: I’ve been doing work with Bellingham Community Meal Program to help them design a website. I started this over the summer but really was able to dive deeper into their goals through website design this quarter. I chose this activity because the non-profit represents something I really care about and it helped me build skills I need for my future. 

Activity #2: Activity #2: I went to see a speaker on 11/09/20 who was doing a talk on his research regarding black youth and “the talk”. The talk in this instance is not about sex. Instead this conversation is about racial socialization (ex. Explaining black history to your child or explaining to black youth that there is a high probability of them being shot by a police officer). His research was on how parents go about disussing this between each other, how they talk about it, why they talk about it and how often they talk about it with their kids. It was very engaging and relates to my psychology major.



In teams of two you will teach an elective workshop during one of the elective workshop times.  It can be done with one other person.  This needs to be pitched to the coaches in advance (Meg is the default person) to get the thumbs up and to get scheduled.  Use the storyboard template here.

BE SURE TO RECORD YOUR WORKSHOP and include recording in submission.

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