Hello! This quarter was a crazy one for sure. Who knew how much progress could happen in an online environment. I did not expect to get as much traction on my venture as I did but I’m super thankful that I put in the time/effort that this event needed. I really do think it will be successful and will open a whole new area of exploration for a lot of people.

The Sherwood Music Festival is a one-day event that will launch in the spring of 2021. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been no live music in the state of Washington (at least no legal live music). However, I miss it dearly, and I know for a fact (evidence-based research) that others in my city miss it too. Live music brings us life and joy and hope and a place to escape. It gives us a place to branch out, meet people, and be expressive. Our community hasn’t had that which is why I decided I needed to find a way to make a covid safe music festival…. and the best part is… its working!

My next steps are to continue this event in the best way I can, find a venue (gosh this is a CHALLENGE), get more donations, and make sure that I am following all WA State laws.

Please visit our website at: – You’ll find all the information on the progress of the event, a place to donate, and if you want to apply to participate in the event!


Final Traction Journal – Fall 2020 E4

How did this quarter go for you? What did you love? What do you wish would have gone differently?

I think this was a GREAT quarter. I’ve gained a lot of experience working with all sorts of information and tons of leadership qualities since I started my project for the quarter. I definitely am getting nervous about my event since COVID-19 cases are growing but I do have some faith that we will figure out how to regain safety in the community. Hey, at least I’m trying. It’s new and scary but someone has to start the music world up again.

I honestly loved the days in class when we got to work with our E-level. We didnt get the chance to bond like other levels did during the E3 quarter. However, I still found moments when I got to connect this quarter. For example, Halanie had her event which was just me, her, and another E4 all went to Teddy bear cove. I got to talk to people I didnt think I’d ever talk to and we had s’mores.

Another thing I really love about this class is all the great ventures we get to hear about from the mentors who come to speak. I think they do a really good job of reminding us why we are in the program and how if you really love something then you’ll find a way to create with it.

I know this will be a lame response but I wish that this quarter was in person. I miss talking to everyone and the crazy energy that is always happening in our classroom. I feel bad the there are E-levels who wont get that experince. I didn’t realize I was going to miss that until the E6 presentation almost had me crying.

It was great having Nate and Sean in my team for traction journals this quarter! I hope you all have a good break and that we can connect again soon.