Content statement: Names have been changed for the purpose of this interview
During the time I was volunteering at the Gast House in Dortmund, I had the chance to sit down with a gentleman from Barcelona. The interview itself was a bit challenging due to the significant language barrier, but we managed partially.
He expressed a strong interest in plant restoration, and logistics, even mentioning possessing a DHL driver’s license. Logistics, in particular, he felt provided him with a strong sense of security,when considering job opportunities in different countries. Regarding his musical pursuits, he seemed uncertain about its success past or presently. While living on the street, this guitar was stolen, Impacting his ability to pursue music actively or generate extra income. He mentioned staying in a refugee camp, one with unitization in Unistraza.when I asked him how he felt about the resources available for refugees or individuals that were currently homeless, he says, that the support from various organizations ensured his basic needs were met, allowing him the freedom and luxury of contemplating future employment opportunities.
While pondering potential career paths, he considered teaching due to his passion for yoga. However, he expressed dissatisfaction with the New Age influence, leaning more towards karate and taquito. He mentioned that he could have pursued teaching in Spain, but he was deterred by the New Age associations within his existing contacts. He’s still looking for existing work opportunities and hopes he’s able to persue his passions in the meantime.