Canvas Commons cover photo for Podcasting and Zoom @WWU

Podcasting with Zoom (Canvas Commons)

The Student Technology Center (STC) is supporting all the same application workshops through their all new self-enroll Canvas course; STC Online Workshops. There are now over 50 modules supporting a wide range of tech literacies, application support, and technology skills available across a growing collection of 170 training videos created by STC staff. This course is a hub for any student, staff, or faculty member in the WWU community who is looking for video trainings around the applications used in most ATUS labs, as well as a growing collection video on useful technology skills. To access the course and start learning, enroll at

To enroll;  

For Faculty:

Let’s say you are a faculty at WWU, and you’ve decided to incorporate Podcasting into your class. You might be asking yourself “so, now how can I teach my students what they need to know about audio editing, Zoom and podcast production to do this great assignment?” Luckily, you have your course in Canvas; so look no further than Canvas Commons.

“[Canvas] Commons is a learning object repository that enables educators to find, import, and share resources. A digital library full of educational content, Commons allows Canvas users to share learning resources with other users as well as import learning resources into a Canvas course.

Instructure; Canvas

In Canvas Commons, there are several learning objects that you can import directly into your class. Topics are wide ranging, and authored for practically any grade level (K-12 and higher ed). Authors can be from your institution (like this friendly neighborhood technologist) , faculty from other institutions, or even from major companies like Apple (say, if you wanted to have a turn key curriculum to teach your students how to code in Swift.)

Here at WWU, if you search for: “Podcasting & Zoom @WWU

You’ll find a dedicated Module that you can incorporate into your your courses here at WWU that will help teach your students how to get started with (remote) Podcast Production, and how to get started creating content. Each of the videos are broken down into topics so feel free to pick and choose what you enable in your course.

Canvas Commons; Podcasting & Zoom @WWU

Screen shot of Canvas Commons with the Podcasting and Zoom Canvas module