Category: Uncategorized
Photos: Annual Employee Recognition Ceremony
39th Annual Employee Recognition Ceremony from Western Today Photos by Rhys Logan / WWU
[Part 2] Exploration into View-Master reels in the 21st century
The voyage to the center of the View-Master reel continues: I was able to find some inkjet printable transparency (cellulose acetate) – which I found can be a bit difficult in an age where teachers no longer keep an overhead projector in classrooms. I sent the transparency through a photo-printer at about 1600dpi, set to a photo-gloss paper stock…
On air with KGMI “FBI sidesteps Apple, unlocks San Bernardino iPhone”
Segment starts at 36:25 “FBI sidesteps Apple, unlocks San Bernardino iPhone”
22nd Annual Employee Art Show
Outside of being a technologist, I love being a patron supported artist. Being able to see your prints hanging on a wall as part of a show, as opposed to rendered on a screen always puts a smile on an artist’s face. Being able to talk to folks as they look at your art, and share the…
GoPro meets Moto The GoPro is a quite capable camera, I would go as far as to say it is MacGyver of cameras; you can use it in just about any situation. And if not, add some duct tape and string and you are set. It’s durability, small form factor, and ability to be mounted to practically any…
Turn a moment; into a Memento
A look at Autodesk’s new (beta) application Memento. An app that allows you to take up to (mono) 200 photos around an object, and then have it become a full mesh model. The process is pretty easy going, snapping photos using your camera (DSLR, Mirrorless) of choice and uploading them to the Memento app. From…
On the Air with KGMI: Apple vs FBI
Segment starts about 8:22 into the show KGMI Morning Show 2/19/16: Posted February 19, 2016 Dillon talks with AJ Barse, Technologist at Western Washington University about to talk about iPhone security.
VR Media Creation Workshop
Free workshop for WWU students on creating content for Virtual Reality! (Sponsored by the WWU Student Tech Center) A 50-minute workshop for students to create both 3D images and panoramic images for display within Google Cardboard! Those attending the first two workshops will receive a free Google Cardboard headset. Use Google Cardboard with your smartphone…
8*F at Palouse Falls
8*F at Palouse Falls Next in the Winter is Coming photo series; 8* F at Palouse Falls. Palouse Falls is probably on of Washington’s most popular waterfalls. In the spring, it is lined with flowers and a popular photography subject by any photographer. I wanted to go after this falls- in the dead of winter.…
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