Strong opinions, loosely held, in and around Teaching, Technology, and AI’s impact on Higher Education.
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Google Sites; aiming its sights higher?
Historically, Google Sites has always been this quirky website platform: free for users, but always with a lackluster feature list. Recently, Google re-released their website platform (rebranding it previous service as Classic Sites) with an entire platform makeover and offering its users the ability to bond a domain to their site for free. The catch,…
Photogrammetry + iPhone
Italy based 3DFlow Zephyr Free edition, is like borrowing a Ferrari for an afternoon; but only able to drive in first gear. As I previously wrote the free version has a limit of 50 photos to create your models- but from this initial test that is more than enough for a hobbyist or student looking…
A Tale of Three ‘Sparks’
Adobe Spark Available for free with an Adobe ID, Spark allows users to: Create graphics (think Canva) using Spark Post. Create single page websites using Spark Page Short narrative videos using Spark Video. Samples Adobe Spark Video: Adobe Spark Page:
Photogrammerty Revisited
Autodesk Remake/ReCap update Autodesk has sunset Remake (formerly known as the Momento project), and has created a new tool from it (PC only) called ReCap. However, it is uncertain what the limitations of this new version of the app has for Education users at this time. 3DF ZEPHYR- the free 50shots photogrammertry app Free for…
Bellingham Podcast + KNKX (NPR)
“A Walking Tour Through Downtown Bellingham” By Geoffrey Redick on KNKX “…We wanted to get a sense of what it’s like to live in Bellingham, and why so many people have chosen it as their hometown. That’s what Chris Powell and A.J. Barse did. After they graduated from Western Washington University, they found the place…
Tiki-Toki; a free(mium) Timeline Maker Basic account that allows you to create a fully-functional timeline Limited to one timeline Multiple timeline views Embed youtube and vimeo vids Share timeline with others Colour-code stories Choose background image Price: FREE EDU pricing available:
Moz://a – Internet Citizen blog
“Social Media, Social Lives: Teens Dish on Everything from Cyberbullying to Digital Distraction” …from the post “Social Media Use- They can’t stop. They won’t stop. 70 percent of teens use social media more than once a day (compared to 34 percent in 2012). Interestingly, most teens think technology companies manipulate users to spend more time…
HAM Radio: The Original Geeks and Makers
Amateur Radio, or HAM radio, has been a part of my life since as long as I can remember. Before I was ripping apart and rebuilding 386 chipped PC’s that had ram measured in KB, I have distinct memories of days spent watching and learning from my father while he tinkered in the family garage…
Made In America: Vortic Watches & Metal 3D Printing.
The story of Vortic Watch is really a story rooted in the historic industry the USA was once known around the world for; Watchmaking. Vortic started on Kickstarter, where two makers had a vision of using original vintage USA made railroad-grade pocketwatch moments (saving these movements as they are often junked), and converting them to…