Tag: adobe
Adobe: ‘Free Distance Learning Resources & Project Ideas’
Need a ‘spark’ of creativity for course projects? Adobe has put together a collection of project ideas, and the resources to use them in the digital classroom, on the Adobe Education Exchange (EdEx). These lessons range in using just the simplest, and freely available, Adobe Spark or Rush apps through the licensed Creative Cloud suite…
Affinity continues to get closer to parity functionality with Adobe CC
Throughout the pandemic, one of the most asked question I get is “what is a more affordable tool to Adobe?” This comes from students looking to use one of the main quartet of apps (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and Premiere) perhaps for a single quarter or assignment. Or even faculty thinking about adapting their curriculum to…
Adobe Education Leader
If Covid-19 has shown us anything, it is that we as a society can still connect and create from wherever we are in the world. The ability to collaborate, communicate, and create and use a wide range of tools to ‘make’ things is a fundamental digital literacy that all educators have to be able to…