
One of the places high on my bucket-list was visiting Monteverde, a stunningly green cloud forest nestled in the Tilarán mountain range, and home to an abundance of thriving flora and fauna. My friend Sam and I planned a 3-day trip to Monteverde during the first weekend in March (1st-3rd). We savored every moment of our excursion, from zip-lining through the jungle trees, hiking to a tranquil waterfall, devouring delicious meals, and relaxing at our little hostel in Santa Elena, the main town in the Monteverde region. Here are some highlights from our memorable trip:

On Friday afternoon, Sam and I left San José by bus and arrived in Santa Elena craving some good food. Some other friends of ours were also on the same bus, coincidentally! We all went to a Soda La Amistad, which is a Costa Rican family-owned restaurant near our hostel. I had a very filling vegan casado, which is a traditional Costa Rican dish of rice, beans, picadillo (finely chopped, stir-fried vegetables), salad, avocado, and fried plantains. Is your mouth watering yet?

On Saturday morning, Sam and I had an absolute blast on our zip-lining adventure! I registered with The Original Canopy Tour, and with the help of two excellent guides, we soared through the jungle like exuberant birds. It was my first time zip-lining, and I felt very supported since the guides’ first priority was our safety. We were in a small group with other tourists, as well, so it was fun to hear different languages being spoken, as well as having more Spanish practice. Sam and I are both advanced Spanish-speakers, so we conversed in the language about 95% of the time, between ourselves and with locals. We were gifted with extraordinary weather: mostly sunny, with some cloud cover, and a bit cooler temperatures since we were at a higher altitude. It was the perfect reprieve from the sweltering climate in the Central Valley of Costa Rica, where our homestays are located

I would highly recommend zip-lining, and if you have the opportunity, to do it with the Original Canopy Tour in Monteverde. Flying through the endless blue sky, brushing past the lush treetops, and hearing the rush of wind and birdsong surrounding you is an incredible experience. The company is 100% reliable and secure, and the tour is so worth it!

After zip-lining, Sam and I discovered Gustico, a restaurant in Santa Elena, to fill our bellies. We both ordered the vegan burger with fries, and it, was, so, good… as you can tell by this photo:

After lunch, we decided to seek out Catarata Los Murciélagos, a hidden gem in Monteverde. It was a 20-minute walk from Santa Elena to the main entrance, where we met a kind woman and paid our fee to visit the waterfall. We wandered down the stair-stepped pathway and found ourselves in a forested, shadowed area that featured a murmuring creek, towering trees with extensive roots that hung from the rocky hillsides, and the shining diamond of a waterfall. We rested in this little haven for a while, and when we felt the raindrops melt into our skin, it was pure bliss.

Later that evening, when we were returning to the hostel, we stopped at a lookout point to view the sunset. There was quite a tourist crowd, but we managed to catch a glimpse of the burning red and orange hues on the horizon. It was raining a bit, and we saw nature’s miracle of two rainbows, like colorful arms embracing the last paint stroke of blue sky.

This photo doesn’t fully capture how beautiful the sunset was. I also don’t have a great photo of the double-rainbow, but trust me when I tell you that it was so cool!

Saturday night was pretty chill; we ate dinner, played the ukelele / sang in our hostel room, and headed to bed since we were pretty exhausted.

On Sunday morning, Sam and I knew it was essential to visit the Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Reserve. According to Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Preserve, the reserve is managed by the Tropical Science Center, which a Costa Rican environmental organization. Established in 1962, the TSC has made strides in conservation, research, ecotourism, and sustainable development in Costa Rica.  Unfortunately, we weren’t able to reserve tickets online, but the receptionist gave us some helpful advice, and we were able to secure direct transportation to the reserve, where we purchased tickets using a student discount. We arrived at the reserve pretty early, at 7am, to secure our spots.

There are several trails that twist and turn throughout the reserve, and offer an immersive cloud forest experience. As we hiked through the reserve, we felt the water droplets that hung in the atmosphere and the soft dirt give way beneath our feet. The birds were calling and crying out in sounds we’d never heard before, akin to scraping metal, wind chimes, dissonant screeches, and high-pitched chirps. The dew clung to the moss, leaves, and plants. Often, Sam and I stopped to observe our surroundings and to exchange looks of pure awe. Sometimes you don’t realize how fascinating and wondrous nature is until you’re immersed in a novel environment with diverse sights, sounds, and smells. It’s a humbling experience.

We found another waterfall! If I were an animal, I would never leave this place.

Monteverde was worth every precious cent, and I would go again in a heartbeat. I’m so grateful I had this rare opportunity. After our 2+ hour hike through the reserve, we headed back to Santa Elena for a scrumptious and well-deserved lunch.

We bode farewell to Santa Elena and Monteverde in the afternoon, and boarded the bus back to San José. It was probably one of my favorite weekends I’ve had in Costa Rica. Thank you, Sam, for the fun memories, laughter, and good times!

I’m writing this blog post with only one week remaining in Costa Rica. It’s bittersweet, the prospect of saying goodbye to the people and places you’ve come to know and love. My heart feels tied to Costa Rica in a way I didn’t expect. At the same time, I’ve missed my friends and family in Washington. I know that when Saturday, March 16th comes around, I’ll be ready to depart. It won’t be a forever goodbye, but a “see you later”. Meanwhile, my intention is to make the most of every day, and to cherish each moment I have left with my dear friends.

Thanks for reading ❤️

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