Sensory Suitcase

Suitcase Briefcase Luggage Trunk Handbag Pocketbook Baggage Purse Satchel Valise Backpack Carry-on Knapsack Bundle Basket Rucksack

This quarter-long project had multiple phases, adapting to the changing restrictions of Covid-19 quarantines. In the first phase, each student reconfigured a suitcase purchased second-hand to become a portable 3D artwork. The Sensory Suitcase was both an informational introduction and a sensorial experience of their organism and its habitat. Students also considered concepts of home, belonging, travel and migration from their Positionality Bios, to reflect on change and disruption in habitats. 

In the second phase, Art & Ecology students collaborated with Professor Sasha Petrenko’s Intermedia students to create habitat sound art pieces, and incorporated sound into their suitcases with hidden speakers. In the third phase, the Sensory Suitcases became the centerpiece of individual actions of community engagement outdoors and beyond the campus.

(Artist credits here)

Explore each phase of the Sensory Suitcase project below.

Phase 1 : Sensory Suitcase

Phase 2 : Habitat in Sound

Listen to each Habitat Team’s collaborative sound art piece below.

Marine Kelp Forest Habitat Team

Grady Lehto, Leah Adams, Allen Rodgers, and Paul Thelen

Intertidal Habitat Team

Sylvie Ackroyd, Maria Hescheles, Danil Sonjaya, and Thea Mroz

River & Estuary Habitat Team

Sybil Roberts, Rachel Rothberg, Chloe Barnes, Izzy Ortiz, and Cole Sampson

Forest & Meadow Habitat Team

Sophia Lindstrom, Jackson Sweeny, Keaton Bruce, Bryn Lilly, and Apinya Abrahamsen

Alpine & Sup-alpine Habitat Team

Kenzi Garner, Eva Krueger, Emma Schlagel, Henry Watts, Mia Cullen, and Haley Mounes

Habitat Team Graphics created by Gabi Gonzalez-Yoxtheimer, Fall 2020 Teacher’s Assistant

Phase 3 : Eco-Action

Watch what interactions took place in student’s Eco-Actions by clicking on an organism below.

Marine Kelp Forest

Bull Kelp (Nereocystis luetkeana) – Leah Adams

Pacific Spiny Lumpsucker (Eumicrotremus orbis) – Grady Lehto


Harbor Seal (Phoca vitulina) – Maria Hescheles

Acorn Barnacle (Balanomorpha) – Sylvie Ackroyd

River & Estuary

Brandt (Branta bernicla) – Rachel Rothberg

Pacific Northwest Salmon – Sybil Roberts

Forest & Meadow

Pacific Northwest Lichens – Emma Schlagel

Pacific Wren (Troglodytes pacificus) – Jackson Sweeny

Pacific Northwest Mosses – Sophia Lindstrom

Alpine & Sub-Alpine

Alaska Yellow Cedar (Chamaecyparis nootkatensis) – Kenzi Garner

Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja) – Eva Krueger