Studio Projects

Art 109: Visual Dialogue

Shape of the Artist

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I wanted to merge my body with a real photo of myself and my artistic identity. My artistic style places a lot of emphasis on simplistic forms and colors to try and make an image that anyone can see themself… Continue Reading →

Kiistónnoon Anóóma

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Enough- Project Now Part Two: Execution

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tranny salvation!!!!!

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weak links

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Shedding the System

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Rest in _____

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individuals parts of me(feet covered ofc)

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Studio Project: Identity Reconfigured

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Was it Ever Real?

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Powerful Self

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Pierre Emoji Introduction

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Third Generation Immigrant

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Mind Prison

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*Words are from Shrill, Season 1 Episode 4

Respect the drip

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As It Ends..

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This is my untitled musical work. This work is absent of lyrics, artwork or title. Please listen and enjoy your unique emotional reaction. Quinlan Drathman

Hypocrisy: Federal Attack on the Federally Protected

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It’s not just about drugs

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The war on drugs vs black people of America. scanned&picture versions shown

Cover Story

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The Pandemic has Kicked my Ass

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This work is meant to provoke thought about what your “sanctuary” is. What brings you peace? Happiness? Stress relief? The image is meant to show the differences in other’s “sanctuary,” representing their universality.

Raising the Roof

For the housing market, none of these factors will weigh as heavily as mortgage rates, if they remain relatively high, transactions will be based more on households making moves to changes in jobs, finances or household composition. Over time, they… Continue Reading →

Overlook, 8pm

This is some lightly edited ambient audio from the overlook by the VU. I’ve been coming here to think or clear my head the whole year at night because it has a wonderful view. It’s become special to me in… Continue Reading →

Sing For Me

This is a sound recording from me and my friends hanging out singing and painting. Art plays a huge role in many of my friendships and coming to college I have nurtured that part of me thoroughly. finding a world… Continue Reading →

Gratuity Required

My piece, “Gratuity Required”, is a commentary on the evolution of economic struggle and the emergence of tipflation, when the responsibility of ensuring fair wages has been moved from corporations and policy makers to the everyday consumers. By juxtaposing a Depression-era photograph with modern digital tipping comment prompts, my work illustrates how more businesses depend on gratuities rather than paying a living wage to their employees. Consumers are confronted with digital screens and QR codes that pressure them into exorbitant tipping, often feeling guilty for not subsidizing a worker’s income. The once-optional act of tipping has become an expectation, even in industries where it was never customary, exposing the growing dependence on consumer generosity to compensate for economic inequities.

“Donation jar here, feel free to support!”

I feel that so many people would rather declare that they believe in a cause online, where there are little to no repercussions, rather than actually support something. This is a call to, if you genuinely believe in something, to… Continue Reading →


This soundscape is a mix of various sounds layered together to create an eerie and uncomfortable atmosphere. I used snippets of metal clanging, water dripping, and other ambient noises, mixing them into sounds that feel sorta industrial. For the cover,… Continue Reading →


This soundscape represents my feelings of social anxiety in group settings, and how I often feel caught up in my own head trying to think of things to say that will make me be perceived positively that I often kind… Continue Reading →

Synth Dreams

I made this short interlude on my boyfriend’s sampler using synth and bass. I started out with a simple chord progression, then added on various arpeggios, a drum loop, a bass line, and a filter to the beginning, middle, and… Continue Reading →

Flow Through

This is a serene image that reminds me to slow down and appreciate beauty. The audio is humming of one of my favorite songs that I find hauntingly beautiful.

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