Elliot Bremson

(May 1st- May 8th)

I tracked my decisions from may 1st to may 8th

Engaging with the 5 decisions: may 1st-may 8th decisions

  1. I  decide to make my own choices

A.) Some friends and I decided to look at houses in bellingham so we don’t have to worry about our setup for the following school year. (5/1)

B.) I decided to prioritize school work instead of playing basketball with my friends because I felt my anxiety going up and realized what I needed to do to relieve it.(5/3)

 2.)  Making a difference

A.) I decided to get the Covid vaccine even though I was nervous about it. (5/ 6)

B.) I did a deep clean of my apartment to make sure that my roommates were comfortable with the space. (5/2)

3.)Becoming a change maker

A.) I interviewed My girlfriends dad who owns multiple businesses and got a deeper understanding of the steps that go into owning your own business.(5/ 6)

B.) I updated my resume and linkedin profile in preparation for getting a summer job. (5/4)

4.) Putting in the effort

A.) I drove back to Seattle from bellingham to comfort a friend whose father passed away and was nervous about how it would go but he was very thankful that I was there to comfort him and was somewhat relieved. (5/4)

B.) I interviewed my mom about Digital marketing and was amazed by the opportunities in the field and tried to expand my knowledge base and tools for getting into the field. (5/7)

5.)Deciding to act

A.) I am in the process of getting my Google certification for search engine advertising and once I complete it my mom will allow me to assist her with her projects. (5/7)

B.) I have decided to do the SAVERS 6 method of productivity to better my day. (5/2)

How did this go for you?

  • I liked being conscientious and aware of the choices and priorities that I am making in my life and it feels good to be proactive about my future and made me realize how much I can really achieve with forward motion.

What did you learn?

  • That when I make real goals for myself I complete them and feel good about completing them. In my normal life I seem to complete the things that I need to do and then spend the rest of my free time slacking off and if I set goals and stay on top of them outside of my schoolwork it could be very beneficial.

What are the implications for you?

  • Working towards applying the lessons that I learned this week into my daily life  because I felt a lot of forward progress this week and focused on continuing my forward progress, I’m also working to make deeper connections with people in my community because I have a lot to learn and anyone willing to put me on game about the field there in is extremely valuable and starts to give me an insiders understanding of the tools and steps needed to be successful in the field.

Where are you with the 5 ideaGrit decisions listed below?

1.)I decided to make my own choices

  1. Growing up and moving out of my parents house has made me realize how many choices and responsibilities that I have and taking control of them, I want to better my future and I am taking active steps to make sure I complete my goals and realizing that I am doing this for me and not my parents.

2.) I decided I will make a difference

A.)I was lucky enough to grow up in a household who stressed making a difference and actively trying to make the world a better place, through the course of school I was intrigued by entrepreneurship and sociology which I am currently studying because I feel a connection to the human experience and I have a deep appreciation for products that are rolled out in the right way.

3.) I decided I will be a change maker

A.) Being an Introvert for the most part can be hard in a program like this but I am currently working towards being more open and engaging more with the community of entrepreneurs because the program is warm and welcoming of all that are there, I am actively trying to improve my social abilities over the internet along with keeping up with my 3 other classes and making sure I am serving my role for my group work and are some of the active steps I am taking right now to become a change maker.

4.) I decided to put effort in

A.) I have A.D.H.D and get really excited about projects and have a whole bunch of ideas flowing to my head but eventually I hit a brick wall and lose interest in the project or product which is something I am working towards changing. Being consistent with your work is one of the key components to success and learning how to manage my A.D.H.D and techniques to organize my thoughts.

5.) I decided to act

A.) Actively trying to lift up others in my community because I know they would do the same for me, I plan to continue to pursue my goal of completing school but I also must make sure that I am lifting other people up in my community because you can learn a lot about yourself from taking the time out of your day to support or check in with someone

What is helping or hindering your decisions?

  • During COVID doing schoolwork online was way more stressful for me than taking classes in person, I am not the most social person which made making connections on zoom rare, I am actively working towards vocalizing more in class and group work to try to build my connections because it can be hard for me to express my thoughts and ideas if I don’t know what others are thinking or what they think about me, My goal is to make more connections in the class so they get an understanding of how I think and build off the enthusiasm and support for new ideas that I have seen every class period for entrepreneurship. 

Reflect on our minor and how it fits with your life / How does a minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation fit for you? Describe fully noting any areas of uncertainty.

  • I have always had some form of an entrepreneurial spirit where I was able to apply things that I enjoy in my life and figuring out how to get deeper into the community and figure out the steps to making profit in the field, I have made an online website for selling shoes, I have sold baseball cards at a large scale and was the kid at school who sold candy to make a profit. The excitement that I feel from having a product that people want and figuring out the easiest way to get the product to them is where I feel my entrepreneurial spirit comes from and has been part of my daily life for a long time.
  • This Program has changed how I view my schoolwork because what we are learning in class is applicable for the real world and the better that I get at working on B.I.Cs and pitches and presentations the more successful I will be in any field. I also like how inclusive the community is and gives me a space to connect with others and figure out how to effectively do group work and split up responsibilities even with a large amount of time given, These are all resources that I need to figure out how to master in my real life and this class gives me a space to improve upon my abilities for my future profession.
  • I have some uncertainties about this class but all of my concerns seem to come from the classes online setup because this class has so many online resources and web pages that we need to use and having someone in person explain it to me is a lot easier then online but I am currently working on improving my abilities working online.

How can you get to a place, so you are consciously making the choice to do this minor as part of your changemaking journey?

  • This has been one of the busiest quarters that I have had during my time in college. This class has made me realize the goal of this experience is to take what I have learned here and eventually apply it to the real world and take responsibility for my learning experience. I was really excited to get into this class and the style of class is not like any other class that I have taken before and hopefully I can finish with my minor for this program because it is a warm close knit community with engaging and interesting projects that force you to get out of your comfort zone and overall grow as a person.

Powerpoint presentation: https://1drv.ms/p/s!ApgMArDOer7xaaPVQfJL4JXIRT4?e=IN1sAv