Originally thinking about soundscapes and how I could take my own twist on time and memory was a bit challenging. But as I was thinking about noise in my own life, I thought of laughter. We share so much of our personality in our laugh and it is unique to each person. Because I take a lot of videos of my friends, I was able to compile a bunch of my friends together while we laugh, new ones and old. When I was sifting through the videos, a lot of them were distant memories of good times I shared with various people that have come across my life. Some I still talk to, and some I don’t but I still cherish each of those memories the same and as we have grown apart with time, those people have still made an impact on me because everyone who has come and gone, in my life, mean the world to me (hence the cover photo). When thinking about the human existence, the music we create through our laughter seems to be forgotten because of current events in our life. Laughter is a beautiful thing and it needs to be celebrated more. As for the music behind it, which is “Cornfield Chase” by Hans Zimmer, I thought it would be perfect because the movie Interstellar hones in on the idea of time and lost time with loved ones, and how we can take for granted what we had. I thought it would be a perfect homage to the theme of this week and would work well with laughter; a bittersweet symphony.