The Gods Should Be Proud:
What The Gods Gave Me, By Eryn Elyse McVay
Dramatic Thriller, Spring of 2021
In an isolated town called Nevermore, lived a family of only women. And every generation they have a special ritual for the next chosen head of the family, that requires a male sacrifice. But Victoria wants more for her life and starts to question what she is taught. Will she follow tradition or go on her own path? As the family is challenged, lies and secrets are revealed, and choices have to be made.
I loved the story of the show, but I didn’t read the script before watching so I learned about the twists and characters as I watched but I did know about the bases of what it was going to be about. So after watching it I had a few criticisms but as I learn/heard from others who have read the script about their opinions I do agree with some of their points. For instance, the character Henrik was supposed to be an uptight creepy snob who only wanted to bed one of the sisters. But the actor played him a little too charming at the beginning that you almost cheered for him until he does the switch. Another thing my friend told me who read the script was the painting of Lilith, even though the one they had was nice, it didn’t match what was described in the script. The Lilith painting was too simple and beautiful while the one in the story was more haunting as she is the mankiller, eating a man, instead of her holding random intestines gracefully. It makes it more disturbing, as the women worship her and Henrick is scared by it, and it makes the audience understand more of why it’s there.
People should go watch or read the script for “What The Gods Gave Me”, as the story is very interesting, a death you saw coming but didn’t know who was going to do it. And many plot twists that had a great build-up and were executed well, as you can see the audience shocked reaction to the reveals. That’s how you know you got a good thriller when you got them at the end of their seats not prepared for what happens next. Go watch or read “What the Gods Gave Me” by Eryn Elyse McVay, who is a fellow Western Washington Alumni.
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