This photo was inspired by art created by Jackson Pullock. This photo was taken in the Japanese garden in Portland, I chose it because it incorporates an abstract thinking of human interaction with nature. in this case the glass give the appearance of it being suspending in the air thought the attachment to wire, which is attached to fabric that is wrapped around the tree. Notice how the fabric is simply using the tree for support instead of being drilled into it. I gave it this title “gateway to the unknown” because it looks like a portal/gateway that you could walk into and appear in some alternate dimension.
April 17, 2023 at 12:18 am
This photo was inspired by art created by Jackson Pullock. This photo was taken in the Japanese garden in Portland, I chose it because it incorporates an abstract thinking of human interaction with nature. in this case the glass give the appearance of it being suspending in the air thought the attachment to wire, which is attached to fabric that is wrapped around the tree. Notice how the fabric is simply using the tree for support instead of being drilled into it. I gave it this title “gateway to the unknown” because it looks like a portal/gateway that you could walk into and appear in some alternate dimension.