By Amy Chookiatsirichai
You can find more of my artwork here

Moribund: to be approaching death or an object that is in terminal decline. The two subjects that seem the most familiar to the viewer are a lone person and an abandoned boat.
The sky in the scene portrayed is an otherworldly red. This could either be because of human-made aerosols in the atmosphere scattering blue light, resulting in a red hue. Or, perhaps the sky has changed color due to the sun progressing to the next phase of its star phases: the red giant.
The body of water (or what once was water) is a mere fraction of the vast lake it once was. The bright green color it has could be from an overgrowth of algae or pollutants. The land seems to be completely dried up and devoid of life, with only piles of refuse remaining.
This painting was made with acrylic on an 11×14″ canvas, based on the image below that was found in the news article linked below:

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