I used a combination of industrial samplings, distorted whistles, chair creaks, door knocking, handle jostling and indistinct murmuring to imply the presence of an intruder attempting to get past a door. My hope is that the initial shock of noise will force listeners to strain their ears and listen for these aspects of the soundscape, give room for such observation as the droning machinery fades, then ramp back up that claustrophobic miasma. To use a relevant turn of phrase, my intent is to disquiet the listener.
June 8, 2023 at 5:30 pm
As an art student, I am exploring the intersection of technology and creativity. I am about to choose the research paper’s focus along with the expert from https://studyclerk.com/write-my-research-paper website. Thanks for giving your ideas about interactive technology to create immersive art experiences. I would love to concentrate on the impact of digital media on artistic expression.
December 22, 2023 at 8:50 am
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