Cecilia Hudson
“Mother Mary”
Project One: Action Plan
For my project, I will create/have created a piece about the “target” that marginalized
groups in our community have on their head in the United States the past few years, as
well as the hypocrisy concerning conservative viewpoints and gun control. The following
outline is split into four sections- rationale, topic, project proposal, and materials.
Topic: Roe V. Wade was overturned almost a year ago, in late June 2022. Since then,
almost half of the states in our country have either essentially banned abortion outright
or restricted it in some fashion. Conversely, gun control has become more challenged in
the same states that even outright ban abortion- citing it as unconstitutional. “The
hypocrisy is raging, but the harm is endless,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Friday
after the court released its decision on abortion. At the same time, in southern states
like Florida and Texas, all forms of queerness are being swiftly banned for the same
reason that abortion is; in order to “protect children”. This is despite the fact that children
are being frequently murdered due to a lack of gun control.
Rationale: While queer people and people of color are often villainized by
conservatives, women and children are raised up as the people that they are
“protecting”. Despite this, all of these groups end up the victims of hate and obstruction
of human rights. The symbolism of a halo and a target is something that I hope will be
recognizable to many people, especially growing up in the day and age that we do- the
question of who is being targeted, and why they are simultaneously sanctified/targeted,
is something that the piece will try to make people think about.
Project Proposal: My piece will consist of a pregnant woman with a “halo” around her
head- visualization of the Catholic/Christian version of the mother of Jesus Christ, Mary.
Instead of the halo, it will be a representation of a gun sight target. This is in reference
to the fact that many of these laws that are being put into place across the country are
harming people that they are argued to protect.
Materials: My materials will be graphite and prepared paper ( multimedia paper with a
finishing spray to seal/gloss the piece). I want the focus to be on the subject, and I am
confident in my ability to depict the subject and blend the tones most with graphite.

“In 2022 In America Guns Have More Rights Than Women”
“How the Supreme Court Put Gun Control Laws In Jeapordy Nationwide”
“Florida’s Anti-LGBT Laws Are Unwarranted and Unamerican”