Aaron Bushnell was an active member of the United States Air Force about to be deployed to Palestine before he self emulated on February 25th in protest of the genocide happening there. His last words were “Free Palestine” which he screamed over and over before collapsing from his injuries and dying later that day in the hospital. We must not forget this act or what is happening in Palestine, as America is as much at fault for the horror as Israel is because we are funding it, we are allowing it to happen, we are putting the guns in their hands and telling them to go for it. Tens of thousands of children and adults have been killed since October 2023 and thousands more have fled or are trying to flee from their homes. Palestine has been under oppression since the 1940s and they’ve been blockaded for decades while Israel controls what and who goes in and out including food, water, and medical aid, forcing everyone that was in Gaza to stay there so people could no longer leave during the day to work and over half the population became unemployed and couldn’t afford to feed their families because the blockade was so heavily enforced. These people are not terrorists like the media wants you to think, they are people who have been beaten down repeatedly for generations and refuse to give up despite the atrocities that they have faced.