Title: Quetzals Freedom

With this project I wanted to bring attention to the faces and names the immigrant families, particularly children, who are demonized and brutalized by the immigration policies in place at the United State’s border with Mexico. I put the images of children who had been separated from their families and families who are seeking asylum in the U.S. within diamond shapes representative of the cells of empty space in a chain link fence. I included their names, or if their names were not provided, the description attached to their photographs, to emphasize that these are real people being harmed by generalist policies, not just statistics. The names and photos are strung together with gold and jade colored beads, materials synonymous with the once flourishing Latin American nations these people are now fleeing. The bird in the center is a Resplendent Quetzal, the national bird of Guatemala and an animal representing freedom, that can not survive in captivity.