I created this soundscape using the website Soundtrap and the cover art on MS Paint. Rather than creating background noise for an event, I wanted to challenge myself to create a symbolic representation of what I consider to be childhood. I included many elements from my own youth, including the sound of a dachshund barking, and a band, which I joined in middle school, playing. I portrayed my youth coming to an end with the sound of a whistle and a car slowly driving off. The cover art is supposed to be reminiscent of doodles I would have scribbled on a notebook as a child, including tiny dinosaurs or the game MASH.
October 23, 2024 at 6:01 am
That’s great. Childhood is the best time of life when we are free from every tension and worries. This age is just to play, fun and learn. I also recall my childhood memories and become happy. Well, in this age children learn quickly so we should give attention to their learning. I would share some learning activities https://wunderkiddy.com/math-sheet/animals-4 which can be helpful in children learning. These are so interesting and loved by kids.