For my Studio Project Week #7 Studio Project: Soundscape & Cover Image, I decided to title my album cover “Cooking Dinner (Night Owl Mode)” because for this Spring Quarter 2024, me and my girlfriend would always stay up super late to find something to eat to continue being energize while watching a TV show or playing video games together with our floormates on our 2nd floor lounge. My album cover was inspired by what me and my girlfriend cooked that night because our relationship started on how both our parents love cooking the most common Filipino household dishes whether you had this for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or as a midnight snack: Rice, Spam (Tocino), and Eggs. Plus, being able to cook on my own is a perfect distracting away from working on school assignments, social media, and other shenanigans to release stress, build healthier life choices, and satisfying on saving money than spending food outside. For instance, Familiarity and Nostalgia: The Sounds of Cooking – Sizzling pans, boiling water, utensils clanking – are often familiar and comforting sounds that many people associate with home, nourishment, and domestic tranquility. This can evoke feelings of nostalgia and safety. Another one would be having consistently in Mindfulness and Presence: Focusing on the sensory experience of the cooking sounds can encourage a state of mindfulness and being present in the moment, which has been shown to reduce stress and induce relaxation. Ultimately, the sonic experience of cooking dinner at night possesses the key attributes of a well-crafted soundscape art piece within rhythm, spontaneity, and emotional resonance.
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