I chose to do this post in light of the recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump, to shed light on how the division in our country only serves to fuel incidents like this. Behind Trump is a list of divisive and hateful things he has said in the past, representing how he sows division himself with the things he says and encourages. I made his hairdo fly off when he ducks as a humorous nod to the times when his hair has been presented as not being real in media. And, of course, I made the assassin, Thomas Matthew Crooks, into a stormtrooper as a nod to his terrible aim, being that he only managed to hit Trump’s ear. A bit of dark humor, if you will. And, in the sky above, I put the spirits of JFK and Abraham Lincoln, two former Presidents who were also assassinated, as well as Uncle Sam, the famous iconic image from the “I want you…” posters, looking down disappointed at the division in the country that is leading to such violence amongst the people still.
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