The topic I chose is the topic of marriage. I read an article that announced a new world record for longest marriage at 85 years. This sent me on a rabbit hole search to discover our current exceedingly high divorce rates, and low conception rates. This project is important to me because of how crucial I believe the institute of marriage to be for a thriving society. I fear we live in a society that generally puts self interest and desires over that of their partners, which is the cornerstone for all love. Love is an action word, not merely a feeling word. For the execution of my project, I went to the cemetery on Lakeway and photographed the tombstones of couples who were buried together. I put the names of several of these couples onto one tombstone and altered the image digitally. The statement “Till Death Do Us Part” at the bottom is in bold to signify the sacrifice and love that these couples made in their lives, through better or worse to persevere through the trials of a lifelong union.