The above piece is titled ‘Complicit Captivity’. Make sure before viewing to turn your computer audio up, as on some devices I have tested it to play quietly. The piece addresses ‘Kessler Syndrome’ which is the accumulation of debris surrounding a planet, eventually resulting in an inability to exit. This is a concept that deeply disturbs me, especially as we increasingly need to be turning our attention to the stars, the more and more debris that accumulates the less and less access we have to the cosmos. The early audio is my voice duplicated and synthesized to create music, to act as culture and harmony, however eventually static builds, as we see junk circling the planet. At the crescendo we can hear the music cut out, and then we are met with silence, just the ambient hum of the stars, as our voices become silenced beneath our own garbage and debris. For me this project was just as much the audio as it was the art itself. The audio are all edits of my own voice, and the artwork is all my own. As a note I will be posting this to my YouTube channel as a means to spread it further, and so it may be visible from two places but is not plagiarism. I hope this visual scares everyone as much as it scares me, because this is a problem we can still fix if we try, and all it takes is people talking about it and putting pressure on those in power who can do something about it.

Thank you for your time,
