These audio clips were recorded separately, using garage band. The layered clips consist of one of my cats using her scratching post, and meowing to indicate that she wants something. I used the telephone filter over both of the clips to create a “voice message” type feeling. I wanted to make my audio project sound like i’m getting calls from my cats from the past, since they unfortunately won’t be around forever. My father passed away during my time here at Western and he left many voice messages for me throughout the years since he was always out at sea for his job. I have voice messages that span over 10 years and at first, I wanted to feature those audio clips because theres something so beautiful and sad about listening to him through the phone-but I thought it would be too personal. The sentimental value of a voice message has always stuck with me since then-I wanted to capture a moment in time that is simple and raw; calling someone just to say hi, to say i love you, or just to hear their voice.