I did mine based on young relationships going from high school sweethearts to grown ups. It may not seem like a current event, but after much research, I found that this is very much current. High school relationships are seen as puppy love, they are laughed at and discouraged and told that they aren’t ever going to last. Because of this, people feel the need to “shop around” and in the end they can’t find anyone because everyone told them that young love never lasts. There are many assumptions made about the young couple that does try to last. They announce the next step in their relationship, like marriage, and they get questioned. “When’s the baby due?” “Oh, so you’re religious?” “You shouldn’t rush into it”. Ok Karen, did I ask? Love can mature, even at a young age. Two “kids” turn into two adults, adults that know exactly what they want in life. Young couples are often shamed for going through life too fast, when really they just want to go through life together instead of dating for 10 years, having a few kids, and THEN getting married like so many people often do nowadays. As if having children together isn’t a commitment all on it’s own. Discouraging young love is leading to loneliness, and this loneliness is leading to fewer people seeking out commitment. All because of a society that discourages anything and everything traditional.