In this piece, I used wire to make tiny wire hangers (which have commonly been associated with home abortions). I then coated the wire hangers in gel to make blood on the uterus and two of the many states that… Continue Reading →
This unit on time and memory took me down a trip on memory lane of growing up in Seattle and going to Pike Place. This soundbite is inspired by the journey one takes in Pike Place Market. From walking into it the general area of the market and hearing the subtle piano and drums, to walking in the middle of the market, and then being by the fish throwers.
I combined a bunch of sounds from various sections of the market to create a 1 minute experience of walking through the market.
This piece is aimed towards the matter that both men and women are expected to hide their emotions and thus leads them to suffer in silence. While appearing happy in the outside, one can be going through hell and back on the inside. When someone finally lets some sort of emotion come through they are seen as too emotional or dramatic.
Screw my Victorian cat from Home Goods that keeps falling off my wall. I’m sticking it to the man for the emotional pain he’s caused me.
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