Studio Projects

Art 109: Visual Dialogue




Looking Through Rose Colored Glasses

For my project now, I chose an article about a Supreme Court member being outed for doing something corrupt and selfish. In my photos, I wanted to depict the normalcy of these court members contrasted with them being sworn in,… Continue Reading →

Sounds of Nature

I had initially taken this photograph last weekend because I have always loved the view of the tree that I have from my dorm room. For this project, I recorded audio of my boyfriend just playing around with notes on… Continue Reading →

The Little Moments

During the pandemic, it allowed me to focus more on the hobbies that I love like photography. I was able to spend a lot more time creating and planning out photographs because we had all the time in the world…. Continue Reading →

Forest’s Through the eyes of Imaginists

I based my photo on Aaron Siskind’s works that were shown during the lecture. This is a picture of a cement wall and I thought it looked like a sky with trees because the tear in the paint resembles a… Continue Reading →

Sayler Busekrus

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