My project highlights the struggles and stereotypes Mexican Americans face and how it can have a lasting affect on their identity. Specifically 2nd generation Mexican Americans, who grew up surrounded by American culture yet were raised with hispanic culture. Although… Continue Reading →
I choose to upload an audio I captured before the Weeknd concert began. It captures the high energy in the arena and the anticipation everyone felt before he came out on stage. The excited screams for him to come out,… Continue Reading →
This represents my past friendships and how currently all that is left is memories. The ghosts cover my past friends since they are no longer in my life, however my memories with them will always be remembered. Even if the friendships ended, they shaped me into who i am today and at one point represented a big part of my identity.
My abstract expression art is inspired by Jackson Pollack. Just like his work had infinite landscapes that blurred the edges, my alphabet is not limited by a canvas and the letters can be seen going off the edges. The letters going through the crack of the fridge gives the image a sense of movement, as all the letters are scattered randomly, also giving the sense of the medium being “splashed” on the canvas.
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