Studio Projects

Art 109: Visual Dialogue



“Breakdown of our choice”

For this project, I wanted to create a collage that depicts what the people in the United States are facing with the continued restrictions on reproductive rights. My goal for this project is to provoke thoughts and reflection around the… Continue Reading →

Bucha Meowing/Purring

This is Bucha my ESA. He is a very talkative kitty and he will always be very vocal when he wants attention, which is quite often. Although he is a bit of a pain in the butt sometimes, he is an amazing emotional support cat!

Favorite Features

I took one of my favorite pictures of my face and overlapped it with other pictures of my favorite features. My ideal picture of myself will never exist. There are always things that you would want to change about yourself. I’m working on developing a better form of self-love by appreciating my features.

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