Studio Projects

Art 109: Visual Dialogue



I Watched As My Story Was Taken Away

I took inspiration from the cover designs of the iconic novel 1984 by George Orwell to explore the censorship of books with LGBTQ themes in public schools and libraries. The ghostly figures represent an angry mob using school boards and… Continue Reading →

8-Bit Orchestra: Soundscape on Nintendo DSi Audio Recorder

I created this soundscape by standing outside the practice rooms of WWU’s Performing Arts Center and recording small clips of the chaotic sounds. The audio clips were short and highly compressed due to being recorded on the Nintendo DSi, a… Continue Reading →

Collage Self Portrait: Two Sides of the Same Coin

In this piece I took the idea of hybridity and wanted to blend it with my identity as an artist. I’m a visual artist and a classical musician and I sought to depict both facets of my identity in a… Continue Reading →

Willow Giorgini

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