My project is about diversity, more specifically local diversity. Since August 12th this year, I’ve drawn one mountain or land feature a day, and have accumulated over 100. I put them all together in this large compilation to show that… Continue Reading →
As a musician who has participated and performed in several large ensembles over many years, I have grown a liking for music. This image uses my guitar to represent music, and how I feel connected to it.
The original image is the photo seen on Björk’s album “Debut”. The album came out in 1993, and as the name suggests, it was her first album in her currently still ongoing solo career. She is one of my favorite… Continue Reading →
This will require some description. This art was made from a few large leaves I cut up near the Fairhaven Tunnel. I accidentally cut my finger open while cutting the leaves, and it bled. I decided to use the leaf… Continue Reading →
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