Art 109: Visual Dialogue

Author kischl

Apologize, Mr. Crimes.

Were you scared?

This is an inked plus digital painting of Brianna Ghey, a transgender girl, who was stabbed to death in the UK on the 11th of February, 2023. To begin with her death was not even considered a hate crime by… Continue Reading →

Heart Beat

I felt like I’m the sense of time and memory, the heart is a key aspect. We feel with it, it keeps us alive, and it represents our cherished thoughts. Memories and time are just like a heart in those… Continue Reading →

How it used to be

All the way up- Kuma Kisch

This picture was inspired by Barnett Newman’s use of straight lines. Your eye follows the stem of the lucky bamboo up into the crescendo of leaves!

Kuma Kisch

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