Studio Projects

Art 109: Visual Dialogue



Treatment By Tax Bracket

I was inspired by a point made by Roy Wood Jr. of The Daily Show, who pointed out how Donald Trump didn’t receive the same experience (cuffed, put into police cars, forceful psychical treatment, unknown scheduling of arraignment) as regular/poorer… Continue Reading →

Time In A Bottle

This was inspired by this week’s focus on time and memory and Jim Croce’s song Time in A Bottle really puts that in words for me. I distorted the sound using my record player to slow the time and pitch… Continue Reading →

I Am My Machines

I attempted to really indulge in the hybridity aspect of this project. And my cars, though not hybrids themselves, are a direct extension of myself and who I am, at least in my mind. Here is a hybrid photo of… Continue Reading →

Opposites – Inspired by Barnett Newman – Max Larsen

This image is meant to show the incredible detail of a metal framed mirror in contrast with white nothingness. The image is inspired by Newman’s vertical color field artwork.

Max Larsen

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