Studio Projects

Art 109: Visual Dialogue



Not the Real Killers

Southern Resident Killer Whale populations have been drastically declining due to human actions. The above artwork represents one of the orcas who fell victim to the anthropogenic disturbances in his ecosystem. The disturbances included in this image are trash, noise… Continue Reading →

The Great Outdoors

I made a soundscape of a bunch of different sounds I’ve heard while exploring outside. I love being outdoors and felt like it was only appropriate to merge a bunch of sounds that are peaceful to me as I’ve heard… Continue Reading →

My identity is shaped and formed through what is in the foreground of my life, much like this image I created. The image puts both my values and the things I love into focus, which shape who I am and what creates my identity.


This action painting inspired by Pollock and Kooning encompasses the detail of a mushroom.

Kaitlyn Mruk

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