Studio Projects

Art 109: Visual Dialogue



Unregulated AI

For my project, I decided to create some editorial cartoons containing commentary about artificial intelligence’s unregulated and rapid growth. In the upper cartoon, I combined the phrase “you can’t put a genie back in the bottle” with the idea of… Continue Reading →

Beach Day

I choose to make a soundscape of the beach. The photo was taken on my trip to New Jersey last summer and I used various beach sounds to create a nice mix of audio to describe the experience of being… Continue Reading →

Identity Reconfigured: Digital Self

Over the pandemic, I found myself spending more and more time online and less time in nature. I chose to take a self-portrait with a concerned look and myself being digitized into pixels. The eye that is left undigitized has… Continue Reading →

Thai Nguyen Field of Green (Color Field Painting inspired by Mark Rothko)

Three rectangular shapes each with a different shade of green. Mimicking the way Mark Rothko depicts irregular rectangular regions of color in his works. The greens are fairly light so I put the colors on a background of black to… Continue Reading →

Thai Nguyen

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