Art 109: Visual Dialogue

Author pasztom


This year has been brutal for me and been dealing with a lot of mental, medical, and then school work. I had written so many essays this year; almost all of them I bullshitted and didn’t learn much. So I… Continue Reading →

Merging Past and Present

Shape of the Artist

Sticky post

I wanted to merge my body with a real photo of myself and my artistic identity. My artistic style places a lot of emphasis on simplistic forms and colors to try and make an image that anyone can see themself… Continue Reading →

Dressed Stain – Mate Pasztor inspired by Aaron Siskin

I took inspiration from Aaron Siskind due to his focus on shapes that don’t seem intentionally created in constructed environments. I felt as though this was a piece that shared similar qualities due to this stain that just so happened to look like a dress on the door frame.

Mate Pasztor

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