Studio Projects

Art 109: Visual Dialogue



Heinz Marz Edition

Andy Warhol type Heinz Tomato Ketchup Marz Edition type thing. Saw a news article about this being announced. Used Inkscape to make the outline which I didn’t really know how to use to had to learn it, rest is photoshop…. Continue Reading →

Dada Poem but with my ART109 Notes

I use what I got and I didn’t have no newspaper so I decided this’d be good enough

busy college night

Been thinkin’ about Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving important to family and family important to identity if you want an indepth explanation for this. I also just liked the idea I thought it was funny.

Five Painting by Poul Costinsky

i picked the easiest painting i could find to do this

Pollock but with string and stuff

:))))))) By: Oisin Perkins-Gilbert

I added a little filter on it :)))))))

Oisin Perkins-Gilbert

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