Art 109: Visual Dialogue

Author ruckerk2

Prompt: Mimesis

The creativity and humanity the artist brings to their work cannot be replicated by the soullessness of AI generation software. Everything that AI knows is stolen from the hard work of living human’s creations, unable to understand why the building… Continue Reading →

The Sound of Distance

I’ve learned that I do not do well when it comes to distance between me and my loved ones. Friends, family, my partner, I hate being away from any of them. I’m lucky that technology can allow me to reach… Continue Reading →

Some Things Never Change

This photo is intentionally low-quality, since it was taken using my childhood 3DS in a similar style to how kid me would’ve taken a photo. The intention of the photo is that it appears like a forgotten memory hidden deep… Continue Reading →

Fuck this outlet specifically

It’s pushed way into the wall and I can’t get my stupid charger to stay in it so I can charge stuff by my bed. Every time a charger falls out of it a year is taken off of my… Continue Reading →

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